types of extinguishers and the uses
Extinghuishers are classified according to the type of extinguishing medium they contain. At the present the types of extinguishers and the uses for which they are recommended are as follows:
Extinguishing Medium Recommended for use on fires involving
Water, Water with additives Wood, paper, textiles and similar material
Foam Wood, paper, textiles and flammable liquids
Dry powder/dry chemical (standard/ class B,C) flammable liquids, electrical equipment and flammable gases
Dry powder/dry chemical (Multiple or general purpose/ classes A,B,C) Wood, paper, textiles, flammable liquids, electrical equipment and flammable gases
Dry powder/ dry chemical (metal) Combustible metals
Wet chemical for class F or K flammable liquids and electrical equipment
Clean agents  
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